English vocabulary words with meaning, English vocabulary words with meaning and sentence.
Synonyms:- Obtain, Extract, Exact, Call forth, Evoke, Cause, Derive.
Example:- Renuka has tried to elicit the sympathy of the judge by appearing in a wheel chair but she was convicted anyway.
रेणुका ने व्हील चेयर पर हाजिर होकर जज की सहानुभूति बटोरने की कोशिश की लेकिन फिर भी उन्हें दोषी करार दिया गया.
2. Stereo-(Noun):- स्टीरियो सिस्टम; दो स्पीकरों वाला यंत्र; त्रिविमेक्ष; स्टिरियोस्कोप.
Synonyms:- Radio.
Example:- All the channels of a stereo track must have the same sample rate.
स्टीरियो ट्रैक के सभी चैनलों की नमूना दर समान होनी चाहिए।
3. Anxiety-(Noun):- चिंता; उत्कंठा; उत्सुकता; व्यग्रता.
Synonyms:- Doubt, Concern, Suffering, Uncertainty, Care, Trouble, Panic.
Antonyms:- Security, Confidence, Calm, Happiness, Joy, Advantage, Relief.
Synonyms:- Doubt, Concern, Suffering, Uncertainty, Care, Trouble, Panic.
Antonyms:- Security, Confidence, Calm, Happiness, Joy, Advantage, Relief.
Example:- Tanuja has now been suffering from insomnia and anxiety.
तनुजा अब अनिद्रा और चिंता से पीड़ित हैं।
4. Wealthy-(Adjective):- धनवान; अमीर; धनी; दौलतमंद; धनाढ्य.
Synonyms:- Independent, Rich, Rush, Comfortable, Prosperous, Affluent.
Antonyms:- Poor, Failing, Short, Needy, Indigent, Impoverished.
Synonyms:- Independent, Rich, Rush, Comfortable, Prosperous, Affluent.
Antonyms:- Poor, Failing, Short, Needy, Indigent, Impoverished.
Example:- America and China got fabulously wealthy in doing so.
ऐसा करने से अमेरिका और चीन काफी धनी हो गए।
5. Compliment-(Noun):- सकारात्मक टिप्पणी; प्रशंसा; अभिनंदन; समादर; अभिवादन.
Synonyms:- Blessings, Tribute, Praise, Courtesy, Admiration, Respect, Good wishesh, Salutation, Remembrances, Congratulations, Commendation.
Antonyms:- Criticism, Silence, Blamy, Complaint, Condemnation, Reproach, Insult.
Example:- Arjun responds positively, when Karan offers him a compliment.
Antonyms:- Criticism, Silence, Blamy, Complaint, Condemnation, Reproach, Insult.
Example:- Arjun responds positively, when Karan offers him a compliment.
अर्जुन सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया देता है, जब करण उसे एक तारीफ की पेशकश करता है।
6. Lieutenant-(Noun):- लेफ़्टिनेंट; सेना अधिकारी; प्रतिनिधि; लेफ्टिनेंट; उपसेनापति विशेष.
Example:- Mr. Mohan was commissioned in 1993 and made flight lieutenant two years later.
श्री मोहन को 1993 में कमीशन दिया गया था और दो साल बाद फ्लाइट लेफ्टिनेंट बनाया गया था।
7. Web-(Noun):- जाल; तंतु; झिल्ली; वेब.
• Web-(Verb):- जाल बनाना;
Synonyms:- Screen, Net, Weave, Mesh, Mesh, Cobweb, Series, Chain, Mass, Maze, Knot.
Example:- You have to pay fees for reserving your domain name and web hosting service.
Synonyms:- Screen, Net, Weave, Mesh, Mesh, Cobweb, Series, Chain, Mass, Maze, Knot.
Example:- You have to pay fees for reserving your domain name and web hosting service.
आपको अपना डोमेन नाम और वेब होस्टिंग सेवा आरक्षित करने के लिए शुल्क देना होगा।
8. Affiliate-(Verb):- किसी बड़ी संस्था से संबंधित होना; मिलाना; संबद्ध करना.
Synonyms:- Partner, Branch, Unit, Join, Link, Associate, Incoroprate.
Example:- Rajeev gandhi campus is affiliated to the banaras hindu university.
Synonyms:- Partner, Branch, Unit, Join, Link, Associate, Incoroprate.
Example:- Rajeev gandhi campus is affiliated to the banaras hindu university.
राजीव गांधी परिसर बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय से संबद्ध है।
9. Unify-(Verb):- समान करना; एक-रूप बनाना; कीकृत करना.
Synonyms:- Unit, Combine, Jion,Fuse, Merge, Consolidate, Confederate.
Antonyms:- Divide, Separate, Part, Split, Alienate, Sever.
Example:- The Honorable Prime Minister explained GST as a unifying force just like the three colours in the national flag.
Synonyms:- Unit, Combine, Jion,Fuse, Merge, Consolidate, Confederate.
Antonyms:- Divide, Separate, Part, Split, Alienate, Sever.
Example:- The Honorable Prime Minister explained GST as a unifying force just like the three colours in the national flag.
माननीय प्रधान मंत्री ने जीएसटी को राष्ट्रीय ध्वज में तीन रंगों की तरह एक एकीकृत शक्ति के रूप में समझाया।
10. Endeavour-(Noun):- कठिन प्रयास; कोशिश; प्रयत्न; यत्न; उद्यम; प्रयास.
• Endeavour-(Verb):-भरसक प्रयत्न करना.
Synonyms:- Try, Attempt, Struggle, Bid, Aim, Essay, Undertake, Venture, Strive, Aspire, Go, Effort, Trial, Shot, Crack.
Example:- This Act had endeavoured to give a written constitution to the country.
Example:- This Act had endeavoured to give a written constitution to the country.
इस अधिनियम ने देश को एक लिखित संविधान देने का प्रयास किया था।
11. Inland-(Adjective):- देश का अंदरूनी भाग; अंतरिक; देशीय.
Synonyms:- Internal, Upcountry, Interior.
Example:- For our nearest Inland Revenue office, look in the business numbers section of the phone book.
Synonyms:- Internal, Upcountry, Interior.
Example:- For our nearest Inland Revenue office, look in the business numbers section of the phone book.
हमारे निकटतम अंतर्देशीय राजस्व कार्यालय के लिए, फ़ोन बुक के व्यवसाय संख्या अनुभाग में देखें।
12. Sip-(Noun):- चुस्की; छोटा घूंट; गला; कंठ;
• Sip-(Verb)- घूंट भरना; चुस्की भरना या लेना; चूसना; घुटकना
Synonyms:- Samplle, Taste,Drink, Sup, Drop,Swallow, Mouthful.
Example:- When drinking a cup of tea, remember always to sip in small quantities.
13. Represent-(Verb):- प्रतिनिधित्व करना; प्रतिनिधि होना; वर्णन करना; द्योतित करना.
Synonyms:- Show, Perform, Serve, Act for, Produce, Mwan, Portray, Suggest, Ask for, Describe, Mirror, Display, Speak for, Illustrate,
Antonyms:- Hide, Refuse.
Example:- The Indus valley civilization script probably does represent language.
14. Conform(Verb):- अनुपालन करना; के अनुकूल बनाना; समान होना; अनुरूप होना; अनुसार होना.
Synonyms:- Coordinate, Fit, Yield, Accommodate, Comply, Integrate, Agree, Follow, Adjust, Adapt, Obey.
Antonyms:- Disagree, Refuse, Deny, Reject, Prevent, Oppose.
Example:- Anu had always been conform to the rules.
अनु हमेशा से नियमों के अनुरूप रही हैं।
15. Slight(Adjective):- थोड़ा; मामूली; पतला; बिलकुल भी नहीं; कमजोर; क्षीण;
Synonyms:- Minor, Modest, Small, Weak, Trivial, Superficial, Spare, Negligible, Insufficient, Delicate, Fragile, Slim, Aprove.
Antonyms:- Important, Large, Sturdy, Significant, Great, Major, Obvious, Substantial, Strong, Solid, Muscular,
The Congress tricolour flag has been adopted with a slight change.
कांग्रेस के तिरंगे झंडे को थोड़े से बदलाव के साथ अपनाया गया है।
Synonyms:- Samplle, Taste,Drink, Sup, Drop,Swallow, Mouthful.
Example:- When drinking a cup of tea, remember always to sip in small quantities.
एक कप चाय पीते समय याद रखें कि हमेशा कम मात्रा में ही घूंट लें।
Synonyms:- Show, Perform, Serve, Act for, Produce, Mwan, Portray, Suggest, Ask for, Describe, Mirror, Display, Speak for, Illustrate,
Antonyms:- Hide, Refuse.
Example:- The Indus valley civilization script probably does represent language.
सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता की लिपि शायद भाषा का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है।
Synonyms:- Coordinate, Fit, Yield, Accommodate, Comply, Integrate, Agree, Follow, Adjust, Adapt, Obey.
Antonyms:- Disagree, Refuse, Deny, Reject, Prevent, Oppose.
Example:- Anu had always been conform to the rules.
अनु हमेशा से नियमों के अनुरूप रही हैं।
15. Slight(Adjective):- थोड़ा; मामूली; पतला; बिलकुल भी नहीं; कमजोर; क्षीण;
Synonyms:- Minor, Modest, Small, Weak, Trivial, Superficial, Spare, Negligible, Insufficient, Delicate, Fragile, Slim, Aprove.
Antonyms:- Important, Large, Sturdy, Significant, Great, Major, Obvious, Substantial, Strong, Solid, Muscular,
The Congress tricolour flag has been adopted with a slight change.
कांग्रेस के तिरंगे झंडे को थोड़े से बदलाव के साथ अपनाया गया है।